HI! I have about 20 posts that I started and never finished and published so here goes to a new start and a new pledge to keep up and keep on writing. From now on we will be better about our posts and better about writing.
We just had our 2 year anniversary last month, June 6, 2010. It's been a crazy start since a the day after our wedding we found out that my parent's house flooded and we had to hop in the car early and drive half-way across America from Kansas to Arizona. We ended up repacking for our honeymoon as half of the things I had just moved home from California were wet and ruined. This included my honeymoon clothes!
We went to Maui and had an amazing time! I can't wait to go back someday and I would highly recommend it to anyone thinking about Maui for their honeymoon or a relaxing vacation away. It was perfect! Completely relaxing and just what we needed after having the wedding and all the stress of the flood and visas.
Moving to England; I remember waving good-bye to my parents at the airport which was very sad. I knew this time I wasn't returning for awhile and this time it was for a move, not just a few weeks visit. It was a bunch of emotions mixed up in one moment of feeling that I and life had to move forward but part of me wanted to stay just where I was! Guy was great and as we had a few layovers in the States I knew I still had a few last chances to get some of my favorite things before leaving...like Self magazine and Sourpatch Kids...things they don't have in the UK.
It finally came to Chicago...our last stop. They called our plane to board and I had Guy take a picture of me right before I was to give my ticket and step onto the plane. In that moment, I thought, "This is it, here we go!" and we have been going ever since!
The last 2 years have been Great! They have also been difficult and sad,happy and amazing, and challenging and easy all at the same time.
The most recent hurdle we have jumped is that I have just passed the dreaded Citizenship test! I studied hard, took the test, stressed, and then passed! We went for our interview recently and I have been granted my ILR visa. This means I can stay in the UK indefinitely. It is NOT citizenship, which I can apply for in a year(as long as the rules don't change), but I can come and go without any problems now and I won't have to take the citizenship test again since Ive already taken it.
We are both happy that part of the process is finally over and feel good that we don't have to worry about it anymore. Unless, of course, we move to the States and we have to go through it all over again for Guy.
We have had a great time going on country drives and weekends to Wales, traveling to different parts of England, and when its sunny walking around our close by beach town, West Kirby. We've gotten to experience a few festivals for foods, gardening, and music which is a fairly big thing in England. Mom, Dad, and Sean came to visit last summer and we went sight-seeing here in the UK and also went to Rome, Venice, and Paris! Since most countries are so compact in Europe, England is a good place to travel in and out of and to go and explore.
We live in a village not too far from Liverpool(Liverpool actually has many historical connections with America and Ireland). The first time I came to visit Guy when we were dating I asked him if he lived in the country! I was living in LA at the time and I hadn't been in this kind of environment for a long time! On the way to our house it is very picturesque and surrounding our village is English countryside, horses, sheep, etc, however, when you get into our village it is like a smaller version of American suburbia without McDonald's and instead locally owned shops, boutiques, and nice restaurants.
The newest addition to our neighborhood is a Rooster who lives at a house right behind us. He's actually nice to have around as he makes me laugh every time he crows...he sounds as if he's dying! He chooses to crow throughout the day and night, no matter what time it is! Moving from LA, that is the last thing I would have ever expected to hear in my backyard!